Prices for individuals´ or couples´ sessions
In English, French or German
140 € / 90 minutes (per couple)
90 € / hour (individual session)
90 € / hour (Sex therapy)
130 € / 90 minutes (Hypnotherapy)
Couples´ Sessions
Couples may wish to see me on my own - or with two therapists at an extra cost of 50 euro per session.
I will first invite you to tell me everything, interrupting whenever the same ground is trodden - the aim being to break a mould that might have become a little too snug for one of the partners, or for both. We can discuss conflicts, sexuality, family matters and cultural upbringing, past experiences but primarily present issues. We can hold the session bilingually if need be.
18 € / 2 hours (group session)
Singing Circle
Individual counselling sessions
If you feel the need to "vent" feelings of anger, frustration or disappointment, if you seek to address certain issues, or you need help in making a decision (through constellation work for instance), if you need to reach your inner knowledge and connect with your subconscious - several techniques are available, depending on the journey we set out on together.
80 € / hour (individual session)
Therapeutic walk
Sex therapy and Hypnotherapy
Sex therapy: During my deep dive sessions we can explore your sexual past, present and future. We examine options and i will offer practical advice and guidance.
The range includes low sex drive, pain during sex, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation as well as porn addiction.
LGBTQ+ friendly, sexpositive.
Hypnotherapy: Custom made trance sessions accompanying you to versions of yourself that you never thought possible.
(Giving up smoking, losing weight, performance anxiety, low self esteem and phobias.)
While you might experience direct results through Hypnotherapy, i recommend several sessions to ensure long lasting results.
Monday and Tuesday from 9-11 am.
On Monday for adults.
On Tuesday for mothers with babies/children.
Limited space for 12 persons.
1st meeting is on January 8th 2024.
We sit on meditation pillows in my practice room.
The songs are are folk and ballad songs from around the world.
You don't have to sing along but are invited to do so after a while.
Please bring a beverage of your choice (coffee/tea/water) and warm clothes to get cozy.
Tempelhofer Feld
Gate at Schillerkiez, big entrance.
1 hour individual session while walking a round back to the starting point. I offer therapeutic walks for people who prefer this than sitting across each other in a practice room and who would like to be in the fresh air outdoors.
Physical movement will enable you to also get in motion mentally, have new ideas and come up with other thoughts. 10 000 steps are not mythological, together we will get things moving.
Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG:
Joanna Lemonnier
Paartherapie (Französische/Englische/Multilinguale Paartherapie) Hypnose, Systemische Beratung
Adresse: Praxis J. Lemonnier, Biebricher Strasse 10, 12053 Berlin
Tel: 01776876923
Gesundheitsamt, Abteilung Jugend, Umwelt, Gesundheit, Schule und Sport des Bezirksamt Tempelhof-Schöneberg von Berlin
Berufsbezeichnung: Heilpraktikerin für Psychotherapie (verliehen in der BRD durch das Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales von Berlin)
Mir wurde die Erlaubnis zur berufsmäßigen Ausübung der Heilkunde ohne Bestallung erteilt- beschränkt auf das Gebiet der Psychotherapie. Ich erhielt aufgrund §1 Abs. 1 des Heilpraktikergesetzes vom 17. Februar 1939 (RGBI. I S.251, BGBI. III 2122-2) in der jeweils geltenden Fassung mit Wirkung vom heutigen Tage die Erlaubnis zur berufsmäßigen Ausübung der Heilkunde beschränkt auf das Gebiet der Psychotherapie.
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Couples may wish to see me on my own - or with two therapists at an extra cost of 50 euro per session.
I will first invite you to tell me everything, interrupting whenever the same ground is trodden - the aim being to break a mould that might have become a little too snug for one of the partners, or for both. We can discuss conflicts, sexuality, family matters and cultural upbringing, past experiences but primarily present issues. We can hold the session bilingually if need be.